Last Party of the season, like always we meet in our house to eat. Gaby is an expert at making pancakes and she was the Chef of the night, Cote arrived with three bottles of vine and some Cidra from Asturias. Later Emi, Marce and Nico arrived, three very special Argentinian guys, one of them told us the great story about when he lost his virgin with a prostitute back home (something very commune over there he says)..


After finishing everything drinkable in the house we decided to go to the party! First we picked up Vicky from work, then we arrived at La Paupa where they celebrated the full moon with the last party of the season “La fiesta de los Colitos”. They were finishing the last liquor of the bottles in the bar and all the money they made were tip for the staff.


Everyone got a bit drunk…. Vicky and Cote got very friendly with one another. The next day they where talking about living in Asturias in the north of Spain, they met 17 hours ago, in Menorca some really great things happen!


The night finished at la Coba like always! It is a amazing place and one of the coolest clubs we have ever seen. Cheek out there website for more fun:


Johan and Mercedes


2 replies on “FIESTA DE LOS CULITOS (Little Ass Party)”

  1. Kärlek vid första ögonkastet kanske finns ändå! kollade in hemsidan lite lätt, det var riktigt fina bilder där!

    Hoppas du har det bra killen där du befinner dig, det verkar iaf som det! 🙂

  2. Goddag! Nu lyssnar vi på jumper! Kul men vad gammal vi börjar att bli…
    ialla fall, follow your search…


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